Thursday, February 27, 2014

Cheaper TOM Box Alternative from Amazon

My last post was about My Cotton Bunny. I love the idea of a TOM box but don't love the price of the current options out there. I realize these subscriptions are probably doing their best, and maybe they are just more pampering focused, but I am cost focused. I want my money's worth!!!

I'm sure you've heard of Amazon but do you have much experience with their Subscribe & Save service? I sure didn't. I don't exactly need a surprise in a TOM box. Supplies are usually the same month-to-month. I thought I would play around with the service and see what I would come up with. I have always been nervous about Amazon Subscribe and Save. I suppose I just didn't have enough information. I totally trust Amazon as far as payment security goes so why not try it out!

Now with My Cotton Bunny-the packages are SAFE and hygienic. That's great but you also only get one box of supplies with no variance in size. No combos of regular and super there. I don't always need just one specific size. Sizes change as flow changes.

Now, I have a pretty good arsenal stocked but does anyone pay attention to how many supplies they use each month? It's always either I have some or I don't. It's hard to judge if you have "just enough". I don't ever feel like I use that many. It would honestly take me a couple months to get through one box.

Here are some facts about Amazon's Subscribe & Save service:

  1. You can save up to 15% on already low prices by having multiple subscriptions.
  2. You can cancel or skip a cycle with no commitments.
  3. There are more options than just monthly-in fact, I set this up for every 3 months but there are many options.
  4. You only pay when items are shipped.
I don't need a whole box of supplies every month-end of story. While monthly shipping is an option-I don't need a monthly delivery. I set these supplies to ship every 3 months. I want chocolate and cheese during my time. I also take Aleve/Naproxen because it's the same active ingredient as Midol Extended Release but cheaper. So those are the basics I had for my box. Here's what I chose for Amazon to send me:

Tampax Radiant Super 16 ct. $3.37
Tampax Radiant Regular 16 ct.$3.37
Always Infinity Without Wings 16 ct. $3.37
Bliss Dark Chocolate w/Caramel 8.6 oz $3.13
Cheeze It Zingz 12.4 oz $2.46
Aleve 24 ct. $3.13
TOTAL: $18.83

There are a variety of "supplies", some treats, and some pain reliever for yucky feelings. See how this will be $18.83? That is the cost for three months! That means I will average a cost of $6.27/month. In comparison to My Cotton Bunny-that's great saving. I would be getting the exact same amount of supplies-16 ct./month. No little presents but I'm sure I will have other opportunities to spoil myself throughout the month. A 15% discount is reflected because I am getting at least 5 subscription items delivered in the same month.

What do you think? Would you ever consider Amazon as an alternative to a subscription box? My first shipment with this service is expected March 7th and I am totally excited! The best thing-you don't like chocolate? Get gummy bears! It's your subscription so brands and items are completely customizable! I'm sure you can find several items that will work for you.

The Redheaded Life

1 comment:

  1. I checked it out! Thanks for visiting my blog! Keep going!
